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About River Place South Forum

River Place South launched in August 2020 as a place for RPS shareholders to share knowledge, raise concerns, and propose new ideas and solutions for our collective benefit. This forum is driven by our incredible and engaged community members, who contribute their wealth of expertise to a wide variety of discussion topics.




A Note on the Evolution of this Site and its Resources

Hi everyone! Ashley here :) Just some quick notes. This is a new and evolving site, and I'm thrilled to see so many people signing up, engaging in the conversation, and sharing useful resources. I'm working hard to facilitate this exchange of ideas and develop a useful and intuitive layout with relevant resources and pages, but please bear with me in these early stages and keep an eye on this header for new information. Thank you all for sharing your knowledge, experience, and suggestions for River Place South!



Update History

Sept. 17, 2020

  • WE NOW HAVE MEMBER CHAT! This is a much-anticipated update that allows any member to message any other member using the 'Message' button (also sometimes shown as a small speech bubble icon) on the other member's profile page. All of your chats - both with other members and with the site moderator (me) - will appear in the same chat box at the bottom right of the screen. I anticipate a few bumps and bruises with this update, so if something seems wrong or isn't working, please use the 'regular' site chat feature to let me know right away! I'm excited to see how this opens up new discussion channels within our community!

Sept. 16, 2020

  • Updated the layout of the site header, the 'Home' page, and the 'About' page

  • Added an update history to the 'About' page

  • Removed the 'Evolving Site' notice from the forum page to allow easier access to forum posts

  • Added a disclaimer to the bottom of the site clarifying that this is a shareholder-directed site and is not affiliated with RPS management or the RPS board

Sept. 2, 2020

  • Bought a custom URL and moved the site to

  • Restricted viewing of forum posts to members-only

  • Added a 'Let's chat!' bar at the bottom of the site to allow members to message me directly with questions or suggestions


This is an unofficial, shareholder-directed forum. The RPS Board and RPS management are not responsible for or affiliated with the content on this site.

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